
Education Services
Goldwyn Webedu Advisory provides education services in various forms like; Digital education, school education, higher education etc.It also seeks to provide education on various financial services which is targeted at the rural sections of this country.
Digital Education
Digital education, classroom teachings have become more fun and interactive. Children tend to be more attentive. They are not only listening but also viewing it on the screen which makes their learning all the more effective. Here, sounds and visuals go hand-in-hand which is easy for the child to grasp.
Higher Education
Higher education is a stage of learning that occurs after secondary education at the Universities, Colleges and Institutes of Technology. The aim of higher education is to prepare a person to play his part well, as an enlightened member of society.
School Education
The importance of school education lies in the fact that the children of today will become adult citizens of tomorrow. The growth and future of our country highly depends upon the quality of the present school education system.
Smart Classes
A smart classroom is a classroom that has an instructor equipped with computer and audio-visual equipment, allowing the instructor to teach using a wide variety of media.
Institute ERP
Institutes usually have a number of departments and courses. Managing all these department and course data manually is a very tedious, ineffective and expensive task. So here Goldwyn Webedu Advisory proposes an ERP system for institutes. Goldwyn Webedu Advisory aims to provide entire student life cycle management system along with faculty dashboard and training placement department.